Supervisor and Students are Reliable Partners for Research

My supervisor greatly influenced my philosophy and teaching style as a lecturer and supervisor during my doctoral degree. Indirectly I apply it in Indonesia. Students are awkward because they say lecturers are highly respected and feared creatures. I told them that I used to do tutoring outside of campus often and was often picked up by Supervisory committees for lunch.

In fact, for me, lecturers and students are partners in learning and research. I also get new knowledge from students because they have time to learn. This method, Alhamdulillah, is beneficial for making Graduate on Time (GOT) students. Some of them graduate in 3.5 years. Last semester, they contributed more than 10 SINTA/IEEE/Scopus indexed papers to institutions. Of course, this is extraordinary for undergraduate students in Computer Science.

Similarly, when my Supervisory committee applied this method, Alhamdulillah, it took me only one year to get a Master of IT and 2 Years for a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

People say a technique like this keeps you young 😀

I’m a little sad to hear the complaints of friends who study Master’s and Ph.D. who have looked for a long time but have not finished. Some even fail after years of struggle. We conclude that the duration of the student’s graduation is delayed because the supervisor and students are unreliable research partners.

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